Depth-First Search & Tree Traversal Methods


5 min read

Depth-First Search & Tree Traversal Methods

Hi folks, welcome back.

In this article, we will

  • Implement a Depth-First Traversal

  • Differentiate different Tree Traversal Methods, namely, pre-order, post-order, in-order

Depth-First Search

πŸ‘‰ Is the way to traverse a Binary (Search) Tree that prioritizes DEPTH rather than Breadth.

πŸ‘‰ The idea is KEEP TRAVERSING DOWN either the LEFT or RIGHT subtree until there are NO MORE NODES LEFT.

Images Source: Coderbyte

By applying the DFS algorithm, as a result, we'll get the values like this A, B, D, E, C, F

HOW to implement the DFS Algorithm?

While the BFS requires a Queue underneath the hood.

The DFS requires a Stack. (LIFO)

We add things to the top of the stack.

We also remove things from the top of the stack.

Here is the potential steps we can take to implement DFS

πŸ‘‰ Init the Stack with a root node.

πŸ‘‰ Next, we go ahead and POP the current node A out of the Stack. That's also mean we're visiting this A node right now.

πŸ‘‰ Let's print the value of A node, then consider its children (B and C)

Here we pushed the C and then B on top of the stack. The order is matter here.

We prioritize going DEPTH FIRST. It means we want to print out B after A

Stack is the Data Structure with LIFO (Last In First Out) mental model.

That's why we want the B on top of the stack just for now.

Next, we pop B out of the stack, and print its value.

Then move on, applying the same pattern on all the children of B, we push E and thenD on top of the stack.

On top of the stack, we have the value of D now.

Next, we pop off D and then E out of the Stack. They have NO children.

We finished the DFS on the left subtree.

Now we back to the C

We pop C out of the Stack, and print its value.

C only having 1 children is F

Let's push F on top of the stack.

Pop F off the stack and print its value.

Check for F children, there is no more NODE left.

Our stack is now EMPTY. We DONE with our algorithm and printed out ALL the node values.

Let's code the DFS Algorithms

class Node {
    constructor(value) {
      this.value = value;
      this.left = null;
      this.right = null;

  const a = new Node('a');
  const b = new Node('b');
  const c = new Node('c');
  const d = new Node('d');
  const e = new Node('e');
  const f = new Node('f');
  const g = new Node('g');

  a.left = b;
  a.right = c;
  b.left = d;
  b.right = e;
  c.right = f;
const depthFirstPrint = (root) => {
    const stack = [ root ];

    while (stack.length) {
        const current = stack.pop();
        if (current.right) stack.push(current.right);
        if (current.left) stack.push(current.left);

// Printed Value: A, B, D, E, C, F

Complexity Analysis

Time: O(n) - Traversing through every node in the Tree.

Space: O(n) - The amount of space the Stack occupies at worst case - need to store every node of the tree inside.

πŸ‘‰ We will probably always use the Stack to implement the DFS Algorithm

We just have a great Iterative DFS solution.

We can also use the stack but in the implicit approach with recursive.

The code for the DFS Recursive

const depthFirstRecursivePrint = (root) => {
    if (root === null) return;


// Printed Value: A, B, D, E, C, F

3 Different Variations of Depth First Traversal

Pre-order (Self - Left - Right)

Exactly what we just did above.

We call PRE order because we printed out the Parent Node's valueBEFORE BOTH of the Children.

const preOrder = (root) => {
    if (root === null) return;


// Printed Value: A, B, D, E, C, F

Post-order (Left - Right - Self)

The key pattern here is: we only printed out the node's value AFTER both of its children.

const postOrder = (root) => {
    if (root === null) return;


// Printed Value: D, E, B, F, C, A

In-order (Left - Seft - Right)

Key pattern here, print the node's value in between the value of left and right nodes.

After left, but before right.

const inOrder = (root) => {
    if (root === null) return;


// Printed Value: D, B, E, A, C, F

Practice Exercise:

Write a function sumTreeDFS that take in the root of a binary tree as an argument.

The function should return the sum of all values in the tree.

Assume that the tree only contains number value.

const a = new Node(3);
const b = new Node(2);
const c = new Node(7);
const d = new Node(4);
const e = new Node(-2);
const f = new Node(5);

 a.left = b;
 a.right = c;
 b.left = d;
 b.right = e;
 c.right = f;



const sumTreeDFS = root => {
     const stack = [ root ];
    let sum = 0;     

    while (stack.length) {
        const current = stack.pop();
        sum += current.value;
        if (current.right) stack.push(current.right);
        if (current.left) stack.push(current.left);

    return sum;
sumTreeDFS(a) // 19


const sumTreeDFS = root => {
    if (root === null) return 0;
    return sumTreeDFS(root.left) + root.value + sumTreeDFS(root.right)
sumTreeDFS(a) // 19

Complexity Analysis

Time: O(n) - Iterating through every node in the Tree.

Space: O(n) - Keep track of the Callstack