How to Write Stories in Storybook


2 min read

How to Write Stories in Storybook

Let's say we have a very simple button.

In the src/components/button.tsx

import { ComponentProps } from 'react';

type ButtonProps = ComponentProps<'button'>;

export const Button = (props: ButtonProps) => {
    return <button {...props} />;

Next, we'll create the story for this component - called button.stories.tsx

Collocate this story file close to the button.tsx component itself.

Let's get to the main point.

First, we need to import the Meta and StoryObj types to get some autocompletion in Typescript stories as well as the type safety.

Then, import the Button component as well.

In the button.stories.tsx

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { Button } from './button';

The Meta contains metadata about the component's stories.

const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
    title: 'Button',
    component: Button,

export default meta;

The title field controls where stories appear in the sidebar of the Storybook.

Afterward, let's define a type for the component story.

type Story = StoryObj<typeof Button>;

export const Primary: Story = {
    render: () => <Button>Button</Button>

Each name export is a story for the Button component.

Here we have Primary is a first story.

You will need to export at least ONE name export if you want to see anything on the screen.

Here is the final story, it'll look something like this:

If you run Storybook using pnpm run storybook you'll have something like the following:

It's not much. But we starting to see something, right?

Using the args

In our first story, instead of rendering the component itself, we can choose to use an args object that will be used for the props of the component being rendered in the story.

Let's take advantage of Storybook's Component Story Format.

export const Primary: Story = {
    args: {
        children: 'Primary Button',

You’ll notice that we can also adjust the props in the Controls tab.

Here we have - Our Very Basic Button

Here is the end result of our button story at this point:

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { Button } from './button';

const meta = {
    title: "Button",
    component: Button,
    args: {
        children: "My Button"
} satisfies Meta;

export default meta;

type Story = StoryObj<typeof Button>;

export const Primary: Story = {
    children: 'Primary Button',

export const Secondary: Story = {
    args: {
        children: "Secondary"

Right now, our Button component doesn’t do anything and it’s pretty ugly.

Let’s add some variants to the story. In the next article!

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